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Magician does not succeed where it came from

Magician does not succeed where it came from

Magician does not succeed where it came from

the best magician illusionist of all time ever in the world,
no video editing in this video only talen and magic,

 If you know others good magician.
Magician does not succeed where it came from
Best Magician In The World 2016 | Dynamo Magician Impossible - Best Moments
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Labor Day 2016 (US)

Labor Day 2016 (US)

Labor Day is observed in the U.S. on every first Monday in September as a day to recognize the contributions of American workers of all industries to the U.S.AHere are the best deals available online from retailers like Amazon and Best Buy this Labor Day weekend.

Labor Day 2016, celebrating this Labor Day, labor day deals, holidays, recent holidays, ABC News, GMA, us news, national news, local news

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Pokémon GO

Pokémon GO 0.29.0

télécharge from Google Play Store 

Florizarre, Dracaufeu, Tortank, Pikachu, et bien d'autres Pokémon ont été découverts sur la planète Terre !
Vous aurez maintenant la chance de trouver et d'attraper les Pokémons qui vivent autour de vous, alors enfilez vos chaussures, sortez et explorez le monde. Vous allez rejoindre l'une des trois équipes et combattre aux côtés de vos Pokémons pour le prestige et la possession des Arènes.

Her or oder 

Numéro 59 de la Coupe du Monde 2014

Numéro 59 de la Coupe du Monde 2014

Cet article relate le parcours de l'équipe d'Argentine de football lors de la Coupe du monde de ...Numéro / Nom, Équipe actuelle, Date de naissance, J. Buts, Yellow card.svg · Red card.svg. Gardiens de but ..... Remplaçants : 22, Nacer Chadli, Entré après 75 minutes 75e. 9, Romelu Lukaku, Entré après 59 minutes 59e

Euro 2016,Coupe du monde 2016,Switch asbl accompagne les acteurs ,secteur non marchand dans ,conception et la réalisation, d’outils de sensibilisation ,communication,Le calendrier complet des matchs ,Coupe du monde 2014, FIFA qui se déroule du 12 juin au 13 juillet, Les horaires des rencontres, les stades et les chaînes, TV sont détaillés,Coupe du monde 2014,Mondial 2014,FIFA,brésil,brazil,football,equipe de France,les bleus,Didier Deschamps,soccer,Michel Platini,Euro 2014,GLITCH, COD6, COD5, COD4, COD3, COD2, COD1, ASTUCE, FR, MW2, GAMEPLAY, COD8, TIP, PC, CHEAT, WAW, XBOX, RELEASE, vidéo, COMMENTARY, kayzo59, CALL, HACK,, Mondial 2014 au Brésil, sport, infographie,

114e anniversaire de la naissance d'Eiji Tsuburaya

114e anniversaire de la naissance d'Eiji Tsuburaya

The lights dim. Cameras start to roll. A film crew silently watches. Suddenly! From behind a hand-built skyline, a towering beast appears! Shaking off a layer of dust, the massive foam-and-rubber monster leans back to act out an amazing roar (the sound effect will be added in later). Then, stomping towards the camera, the giant moves closer, and closer, until…”Cut!”
Seen this film before? This live action genre, known as “Tokusatsu” (特撮) in Japanese, is unmistakable in its style, and still evident in many modern beast-based thrillers. In today’s Doodle, we spotlight one of Tokusatsu’s kings, Eiji Tsuburaya, the quiet pioneer who created Ultraman, co-created Godzilla, and brought Tokusatsu to the global cinematic mainstream. Doodler Jennifer Hom led us through the inspiration behind the interactive Doodle:
Who was Tsuburaya, and what drew you to create this tribute to him?
“Director Eiji Tsuburaya is best known for the famous characters he brought to life, like Ultraman. After many years in the ‘monster business,’ he set up his own practical effects studio, Tsuburaya Productions, which we were lucky enough to visit for this project! Having grown up as a film fan, I’ve always had a deep love for Tokusatsu, so I was eager to find a way to bring attention to Tsuburaya’s art. It’s fascinating to me how long-lasting the results of his work has been – it’s easy to see remnants of the Tokusatsu style in Guillermo del Toro’s Pacific RimEvangelion, and even the Power Rangers.”
The main set of Tsuburaya Productions, awaiting its monsters...
Back up a visited Tsuburaya’s studio?
“Yes! We wanted to witness the studio’s production in person to be able to create an authentic filmmaking experience within our Doodle. Their construction process is incredible: all of their costumes and props are made by hand, in a secret studio. The workspace felt organized and messy at the same time, with each member having their own system behind which materials lived where. And there was a palpable respect for the tradition and legacy that they’re upholding through their craft.”
Tell us about the Doodle itself!
“Post-visit, I was resolved to make a Doodle that could show how fun, fast, and totally chaotic the Tokusatsu filmmaking process can be. This guided one of many, many rounds of brainstorming.”
Initial sketches and notes focused on ways to best capture the frenzy of Tsuburaya’s production style.
“While several of ideas revolved around a game format, I thought it would be more interesting and engaging to recreate the filmmaking experience from scratch – what better way to get an appreciation for the creative challenges Tsuburaya the director had to face?”
Early game-like ideas, like this sketch, eventually evolved into the filmmaking experience.
One style exploration leaned towards a more dramatic Tokusatsu feel.
“After deciding to focus on the filmmaking process, we went to work defining the look of the monsters themselves and building out the quick tasks the user had to complete. Above all, we wanted to make sure the beasts were both charming and Googley, and that the mini-challenges were appropriately fun and frantic!”
Monster iterations were created within a Googley framework!
The mini-challenges illustrate the wide range of jobs necessary to create a Tokusatsumovie.
Doodlers Jennifer Hom & Mark Holmes on set, wearing masks to protect them from the special effects dust kicked up by monsters

Doodlers: Jennifer Hom, Mark Holmes, Olivia Huynh
Animators: Sophia Foster-Dimino, Tony Papesh
Additional Art: Alyssa Winans
Engineers: Corrie Scalisi, Jonathan Shneier, Kris Hom
Producer: Gregory Capuano
Local Googler: Shun Ikeda
Music: Jesse Harlin

Juno Reaches Jupiter

Juno Reaches Jupiter

A NASA satellite built like a tank is settling into polar orbit around Jupiter, the mysterious gas giant two doors down from Earth.
Juno’s five year, 500 million mile journey will culminate in a treasure trove of new pictures and measurements taken by its nine instruments. What Juno tells us about Jupiter will detail the planet’s magnetic and gravitational fields and interior structure, revealing how it was formed and providing clues to our own planet’s humble beginnings.
In satellite terms, Juno is a warrior. Building the 3,500-pound device for Jupiter’s brutal atmosphere took seven years and countless hours of testing. NASA scientists equipped Juno with titanium shields to withstand pummeling rocks, powerful radiation, and freezing temperatures. It’s armor will keep it safe and working properly over its year-long polar orbit collecting data about Jupiter.
Today's Doodle celebrates this incredible moment of human achievement. Bravo, Juno!
Visit NASA’s page on the Google Cultural Institute to see how space exploration has evolved over the years.

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Fête nationale de l'Algérie 2016

Fête nationale de l'Algérie 2016

Decades ago, Le Port de Sidi Fredj, a port on the northern tip of Algiers, Algeria’s capital, was the landing spot of the French invasion. Today, it’s a bustling part of town where visitors can admire ships and the surrounding Algerian Sea while browsing local shops and cafes.
At the forefront of the port stands an ancient structure from the Ottoman period, one of the many longstanding monuments that adorn the nation. Today we commemorate Algeria’s rich history by celebrating 52 years of independence. Happy National Day, Algeria!
Fêtes et jours fériés en Algérie
Nous sommes le 5 juillet, fête nationale de l'Algérie. Il y'a 53 ans les Algériens fêtaient leur indépendance, à cette occasion plusieurs personnalités dont des joueurs de l’équipe nationale ont tenu à marquer le coup sur les réseaux sociaux, nous vous proposons quelques un de leur message. Un peuple , un pay,
Fête nationale en Algérie 2016. Toutes les informations utiles dans l'agenda de

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